
Engineering Explorations (8450)
Grade level: 10, 11, 12 Credit 3
Prerequisite: Completed Algebra I and concurrently taking Geometry or Algebra II

This is the first course of a two year sequence that will enable students to examine technology and engineering fundamentals related to solving real-world problems. Students will be exposed to a variety of engineering specialty fields and related careers to determine whether they are good candidates for post secondary educational opportunities in engineering. Students will gain basic understanding of engineering history and design, using mathematical and scientific concepts. Students will participate in hands-on projects in a laboratory setting as they communicate information through team based presentations, proposals, and technical reports.

Engineering Analysis and Applications II (8451)
Grade level: 11, 12 Credit: 3
Prerequisite: Engineering Explorations

This is the second course in a two year sequence that will allow students to examine systems, the interaction of technology and society, ethics in a technological world, and the fundamentals of modeling while applying the engineering design process to areas of the designed world. Students will participate in hands-on projects.

Engineering Analysis and Applications III (8452)
Grade level: 11, 12 Credit: 3
Prerequisite: Engineering Analysis and Applications II

This is the third course of a possible four course sequence that will enable students to solve real-world problems. This course focuses on building an engineering team, working with case studies, managing projects, applying logic and problem solving skills, delivering formal proposals and presentations, and examining product and process trends. In addition, students continue to apply their engineering skills to determine whether they are good candidates for post-secondary educational opportunities in engineering. Students will participate in STEM-based, hands-on projects as they communicate information through team-based presentations, proposals, and technical reports.

Engineering Practicum IV (8453)
Grade level: 12 Credit: 3
Prerequisites: Engineering Analysis and Applications III

This is the fourth course of a possible four-course pathway that will enable students to examine technology and engineering fundamentals related to solving real-world problems. To do so, students examine ethics and intellectual property and design a practicum project, a culmination of knowledge and skill they gained in the previous engineering courses. In addition, students continue to investigate a variety of engineering specialty fields and related careers to determine whether they are good candidates for postsecondary educational opportunities in engineering.

Ask your school counselor for a program brochure.


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