Precision Machining

Precision Machining Technology I (8539)

Grade level: 11, 12 Credit: 3

Prerequisites: Algebra I or equivalent

In this course students are introduced to precision measurement and machine tools. Safety, efficiency, and a positive work attitude are also emphasized. Machines and machine tools taught include saws, grinders, drill presses, engine lathes and milling machines. Students will be required to earn a 10 hour OSHA approved safety card through Career Safe.
Student must be 16 years of age by September 1 of the current school year to meet Department of Labor guidelines.


Precision Machining Technology II (8540)

Grade level: 12 Credit: 3

Prerequisites: Precision Machining Technology I

The advanced level of Precision Machining Technology II will help develop skills learned in Precision Machining Technology I. They learn how to plan, prepare and execute the manufacture of more complex parts and assemblies. In the second semester a company is formed and each student plays an important part in the manufacture of a group project. The students are also introduced to basic CNC machining. Students have the opportunity to receive Industry Certification through NOCTI. MAC 101, Machine Shop Operations is offered at WCTC as an optional dual credit class in conjunction with WCC
provided applicable prerequisites are met.

Ask your school guidance counselor for a program brochure.


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